A Brief Description

Fr. James Mallahan Photo

While pastor of Holy Rosary Parish in the 1980s, Father James Mallahan demonstrated a strong commitment to the importance of providing a Catholic education to the children of our community. With his insight and vision, Father Mallahan initiated an endowment fund for Holy Rosary School with the expressed aim of making a Catholic education within reach to all who attend the school. It was only fitting that the parishioners of Holy Rosary named his initiative The Father James Mallahan Endowment Fund after their beloved retired pastor.

In 2001, the Holy Rosary School Development Committee developed a five-year plan to increase the amount of the school’s endowment to $1 million. Through the generosity of school families, parishioners and the community, the Development Committee was able to reach their goal within just four years.

Earnings from the invested funds are used to support the school’s operating budget. Recently, contributions to the school’s annual operating budget from the endowment earnings have ranged from $20,000 -$50,000, roughly 1-4% of the annual operating budget. The goal is to increase the amount contributed to the operating budget through the increased earning potential of a larger endowment.

Make A Faithful Investment

Your gift to the Father James Mallahan Endowment Fund will help to:

Gift Opportunities

Please help maintain and grow this important piece of the Holy Rosary School budget. Your gift today is your legacy to future generations of Holy Rosary students. Many gifts are made in honor of an important person or event, or in a loved one’s memory. Your gift of any size is greatly appreciated.

Please make checks payable to:

Fr. Mallahan Endowment Fund
Holy Rosary Church
4142 42nd Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98116

If you have any questions about the endowment feel free to contact us via email at: